Saturday, November 27, 2010

My daugther's birthday...

Today is my daughter's 19th birthday. NINETEEN. That means she only has one more year to be a teenager and be able to screw up and people can say "oh well she is still a teenager" *okie laughs knowing her daughter would roll her eyes at that*.

As I think back on the last 19 years it seems like it wasn't long ago that I would cradle her in my arms looking down at her face and just cry because I couldn't believe she was mine. I wanted to revel in every precious moment with her, soak in her look, smell, movements...burn them into my brain so I could never forget what a gift this child of mine was to me. And then....she turned into a toddler........*okie closes eyes, inhales deeply and exhales slowly*.

She was a very active, strong willed and determined toddler *okie thinks some things never change* and she had an ability to reason and plot beyond a toddler's mind. I use to call my mother crying and telling her "I know she was suppose to be twins! I know God would never put this much orneriness in one child!". You know it is bad when one of the first sentences that comes out of your child's mouth is "I git mu poon! I pank u butt!". Actually her first group of words she formed was "You go Walmot wit me". Not sure what that says for my parenting skills either. But what's done is done *okie shrugs nonchalantly*.

I do admit I have probably learned much more about life and myself from her than she will ever learn from me. I believe she and I are both at a place with our mother daughter relationship where we can enjoy the rest of life's wonderful journey.


  1. TFS...this put a laughter and smile on my face. I'm a first time mom to an almost 18mo old. She's the light of my life and I'm trying to cherish every moment, even though I feel like you did, she must have meant to be a Smooches...

  2. That was so sweet! All my kids are grown now, the youngest is 21. The mother-child relationship takes a new turn. Now you are their all knowing, go to friend. And of course still their Mommy when they are hurting! It is great. Just wait til you have grandchildren. That is even better than being a Mom!!

  3. Very sweet OKIE. I have twin toddlers so I feel ya!

  4. My daughter turned 19 this summer, so I know exactly what your talking about. So bittersweet! Hope she had a great birthday!

  5. Hope DD had a great birthday!!! :)

  6. My 1 and only daughter,I have 4 boys,turned 21 and it is sweet NOW.But oh those teen years,I didn't think either of us would survive,lol.Her first full sentence was when her brother asked their Dad for money.He gave him a quarter and he skipped off happy.Heather was 2 and put out her hand and he gave her a quarter,she said,"No daddy I want papor so me and mommy go soppin".She's still the same even with a job. Happy B-day to your little sweetie.

  7. My husband and I both had a great laugh at this! Ah, toddlers...

  8. Beautifully said Okie! You brought tears to my eyes. Scrap all the pics that you can and journal well because as you get older you will forget a lot of those moments that you SWORE you would NEVER forget.

  9. Soooo Sweet and well said Okie! And Happy Birthday to your Little girl! :o) I wasn't blessed with any daughters.... just 3 boys! One will be graduating this year from H.S. and I'm getting a bit nervous about it... Sooo any advice on how to deal with your baby going away.. let me know! K! Thanks :o)

  10. My daughter turns 19 in March and I felt the same way about burning that memory into me as it went by so fast. Now if time would just slow down a little instead of speeding up every year!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  11. My baby turns 20 in February and I know what you mean. it is so hard to believe that the time has passed so fast.
    I've been lucky to have her at home with me an extra 2 years -- but I'll be in the same spot when she leaves next summer for the last 2 years of college.
    It has been a wonderful journey-- like you, she's taught me more than anyone else ever has taught me.

  12. Okie - I know what you mean. Mine turned 15 and when he's asleep at night I look at him and I still see that baby or very little boy in his Scooby Doo bed. I want to remember those days always too!

    Kathy Wyatt
