I am a sentimental person and sometimes it gets the better of me and makes me miss days gone by. Okay not like I'm 80 and missing running through fields of daisies with the sweet smell of fresh cut hay watfing through the air but more like huh, I miss it when I could do such and such. And I guess today is one of those days I just started thinking about something I miss. I know the idea of message boards is going to the way side with Facebook being all the rage but I miss the Cricut Message Board, at least the way it was when I first joined and how it was the first few years, later on it became frustrating and slow and full or Cricut Nazi's as some of us liked to call them.

The Design Studio forum was my new home and I didn't venture from that forum for a few months because to be truthful some of the other forums were a bit scary since there were always people going after each other's throats *okie laughs now at the thought*. There were a few of us that spent hours and hours creating and sharing files, answering questions of other members, asking questions of other members, finding out little tricks to get things to work so we could make more images than just what was available on cartridges, and in those days there weren't many cartridges and what cartridges there were would easily cost you $60. We made all kinds of things out of basic shapes and I got rather savvy at manipulating those individual shapes and welding them together to make all sorts of images. Most of us shared what files we made freely and there were a few people who wanted to charge for the ones they made. I'll never forget the saga over the whole cupcake box file and how some lady got a bit snotty about her file so I just made one and posted it for anyone to download for free. I only had a baby Cricut my first few years so it was a challenge to make some things that would work on the 6x12 mat.
As time went on I ventured to some of the other forums and I am so glad I did because I was able to make some wonderful friends and it would be impossible for me to name them all but I'm sure most of you know BFF Carmen came from the CMB, and if ya didn't know then ya do now. There are so many of us that thought of our little CMB world as a little family, well not everyone was family because there a was some absolute cray-cray folks on that board and there was always some kinda drama going on somewhere. Most of the time the posts moved so fast that once you finished reading through one thread the thread that was at the top of the beginning page would already be on page 4.
Now the reason I am even thinking about the CMB is because I was perusing around Facebook and some different groups on there and while there is a lot of information available it is almost impossible to go back and find what you wanted to remember. Nothing stays locked in place and even if it did you would have to remember which group you saw it in and then which post. What was great about the CMB was that you could mark something if it was your favorite or at least save the page or even do a search, and if all that failed you could simply ask in a post "hey does anyone remember where the post was about how to use such and such on such and such?" and several people would answer you.
I know Facebook is a great way to get information, in the crafting world anyway, I would not depend on it for always having truthful news stories, but it just lacks that homey feeling of the CMB where we could connect with each other so much deeper. I guess I am lucky in that I have been able to keep in contact with many of my CMB friends in the Old Cricut Community group and there we still know each other's ups and downs, grieve the sorrows and celebrate the joys of the people we have become close to and think of as friends. I don't mean the typical Facebook friend but the actual true friend. When I think of the members of OCC I think of them as the Grand Dame's of the Cricut world. Some of those members in OCC were there at the birth of the CMB and are to be highly revered because of their knowledge and know how and never ever did any of these ladies have a holier than thou attitude that so many "experts" have today. They were always about helping each other and not cutting the throat of fellow crafter's...my whole opinion on that one needs it's own post.
Facebook can be awesome but I still miss the Cricut Message Board.
I so agree with your comments. And you were one I always looked for there.
ReplyDeleteI loved the CMB too .... in fact it's where I first came upon you and many others that had so much to share. I've made so many fun things with all the cut files you shared for design studio. I was so sad when all the cutfiles disappeared a few years back and to this day think its fishy that they did. But thank you so much for all the sharing you and others did there. As a beginner then, you inspired and helped with all your creativity. And I still follow you to this day here and on facebook. Smiles .... Thank You again, Lynda Garcia
ReplyDeleteOkie your post today made me nostalgic for the old days too. When I joined the CMB in August 2007 it didn't move very fast & I could read every single new post when I sat at my computer. Loved it! You probably won't remember but I was one of those folks you helped out by creating a file for a layout I was working on. You created a beautiful snowshoe file for me. I was so thankful. I'm pretty shy so don't post much but I do read. I love the FB page you created for us old circuit board members. It's nice to see familiar names & no drama. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI remember that file well and even the layout you made!
DeleteI miss it too. It really felt like a bunch of friends. I did not like the drama as it got later.
DeleteWhen I joined in June of 2006 it was just a fun group helping eachother out. The group is where I also met Carmen and you. I still have a lot of friends on facebook that I met there. I spent many hours there learning, listening about others lives, praying for others and just having fun.
I miss it too. It was soooo much fun to look at all the cards and layouts everyone created. It was great if you were looking for an idea or just looking for a friend to talk to for a while. Loved it until it got too dramatic...lol. And yep, I remember the Cricut Nazi's very well...lol.
ReplyDeleteI miss it too Okie and for just the reasons you listed!! Hugs, joy
ReplyDeleteI too miss the cmb I use to spend hours on it every night came to think of many as my friends and the stuff I learned you would pay millions for private lessons
ReplyDeletewhen i joined the OCMB i was on the card ministry at church and was making all the cards for the parishioners. weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, bereavements, graduations. whatever was needed. i remember making all them cards with pretty images online i downloaded. the message board and my cricut changed my whole world of card making and i cringe now at them old cards i made. i learned many new techniques and bought many products because of all the talented ladies on that board. made and met a few also. you and susie b. were two of them. glad to have your group with many familiar names.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to Susie B ? I loved her cards. She is the one that got me started on prisma colored pencil.
DeleteDo you remember Susan Blue Robot? I thought she was the Martha Stewart of paper crafting. The beginning period really was great to remember.
ReplyDeleteI miss it too, for pretty much the same reasons as you, the hours of my life I spent on that MB - I should have spent the time studying Ancient Greek or something, I would be a professor by now! But the upside is that I made pals like you. I must admit a sneaky nostalgia for the drama posts as well, it was like watching a car crash, you just couldn't tear yourself away, and if you threw a sensible opinion into the pot, wow, sit back and wait for the sniping to start. Always good for a laugh.........now you've made me all misty eyed and nostalgic, I'm off to find the gin.....hugs x
ReplyDeleteAGREED! It was fun back then. Oh how I remembered venturing onto the "Faster" threads....I was scared! LOL Good times. I Miss those days too!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree Okie, the old board was so fun and the friends I met there are true IRL friends. We celebrate each others accomplishments, new babies, grands, weddings, etc... and we cry together when we lose not only blood family members but Cricut family members as well. These ladies are the best and I am so thankful for the old MB for bringing them to me.
ReplyDeleteOkie, those were the days! It was kind of the Wild Wild West with the machine and everyone taught and helped everyone! That message board thought me how to craft. I learned so much from so many. I also met my best friend in part because of that board and I am ever so grateful!
ReplyDeleteMelanie, I remember when you and Joy asked me to be guest designer for a week on your blog. I was so thrilled and so scared, you made me lose sleep for a month! But it was fun in the end.....x
DeleteRemember the post where I tried to hook you up with the dishy CEO Okie? You planned the wedding and didn't even ask me to be bridesmaid........
DeleteI miss it so much too! Fun group and lots of great information. Everyone shared ideas and the enabling!!! I loved the Swarms and getting to meet you face-to-face. Facebook is nice, but it's just not the same. Thanks for bringing back the memories!
ReplyDeleteI do remember......awwww the old days..... But I do enjoy Facebook and how the world has opened up with ideas and help and communities from all over doing everything. Yes, there can be drama, lots of drama, but that's what the scroll button is for. Recently I found the "save post" and now everything that interests me gets saved. I can go back and find what group and all the ideas and information.
ReplyDeleteI miss it so much. I miss the people. I was just divorced when I found it and it kept me company.
ReplyDeleteI remember it and miss it too, especially the pre-Circle days. No matter the day or time, you could go the MB and chat with someone. Almost everyone was super helpful and willing to share what they knew. I got a lot of inspiration from all the wonderful projects that were shared. It was a wonderful support group. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of fun. Best of all was making new friends. Friends from all over the world. Friendships that started with a crafting interest, but went way beyond that. Yes ... I miss it a lot. (sigh) Facebook is a nice alternative and I am glad for it, but if I am being honest, I enjoyed the CMB more.
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness...me too!! I learned so much from so many talented people and miss the sisterhood of the craft and sharing different ideas and projects. I never did figure out their new format so I never returned to the CMB. If its not broke don't fix it, but it looks like I am not the only one who missed the chit chat over the years. thanks for the memories, Carol<><
ReplyDeleteMe, too....me, too.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great place to hang out and visit with fellow crafters. It was a wealth of information and inspiration. I loved the challenges especially the Wednesday sketch challenge you started. In fact I still do that challenge today. I meet you and so many other friends, thanks for bringing back some great memories.
ReplyDeleteI really do miss it as well. That's where I "met" you and many others, although I didn't post as often. It is also where I really learned to use my Cricut and get my money's worth from it. Those were good old days and sometimes even the drama was fun. I remember the cupcake box!
ReplyDeleteYou and cmb got me through many, many painful days and nights and no one ever knew how much it helped. Then when I had to put my little Smokie down I can't even tell you how many cards I received. It was a blessing for me to have found that board and the people I met on it. I have a new cricut explore now and I'm actually using it lol. Xoxo Plum :)
ReplyDeleteI have to say I was just talking about this very subject the other day with some fellow Cricut message board friends that I made. We all said how much we missed it. I met so many wonderful people thru that site. I'm glad i can still see what a lot of you guys are up to thru Facebook, just not the same as the CMB but still fun. I know I remember so many and how helpful they were. thanks for bringing this memory back :)
ReplyDeleteI also as many loved the CMB and many people I follow today were as you said the originals who really were a wealth of wisdom! Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
ReplyDeleteI miss it too! :(
ReplyDeleteOkie, the CMB was where I first found your blog and have followed you ever since. I literally learned how to operate the Cricut, got fabulous ideas, and learned how to make it work in all different ways. I have since moved to the Silhouette Cameo, just because I got frustrated with the way the company was run. I still have my Explore and do use it occasionally and I miss the "family". Thanks for memory lane trip!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I so remember the old CMB days! I came in 2007 too and when I started seeing your posts, I was hooked! Not many had blogs then, so the MB was where we all came to get help with our Cricuts. I still "follow" Robyn of My Pink Stamper too. I so miss those days! I lurked at first, just looking at all the beautiful layouts and cards, etc...Then I finally figured out how to post after I posted a question on how did I got about getting a picture upload. I was thrilled that I was helped and then started posting. I miss those days a lot! I stayed away from the drama people. I also made lifelong friends on the MB, was a fabulous place to go for inspiration and fellowship. I'm not a hug FB fan, yes, I used it but not a whole lot. lol I liked the MB because everything was in one place and categorized. Sigh....the old days....I loved to read what you wrote then and I still love to read what you write! Hugs, Brenda
ReplyDeleteI remember how willing everyone was to help each other, even those who did not know much; like me! Laurel
ReplyDeleteOh I miss the Cricut message board too. When I started in 2009, the board moved so fast that it was hard to catch up on everything. Loved all of the crafts people made, and how we all shared how to do things too. Loved your "smacking" posts. That always made me laugh. I am on various Facebook groups and occasionally see people from the message boards here and there, but it is not the same. Wish they would have kept the Cricut message board going. I had so many projects save on there, and when they closed the boards, I lost them all. I was garagesaler on the message boards. Loved all of your projects, and your friend Linda's cards too.
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you Shirley. I used to love seeing all the creations with Design Studio on the board and felt at home making comments and with comments made by others. FB tends to get snarky at times and it is frustratingly difficult to find files and posts you might like.
ReplyDeleteThose were the days!!! I don't do facebook yet.... I got the Explore for Christmas(LOVE IT!!!!) without the MB there's no where to go?? I wish the MB would come back...I really miss my Cricut Family...reading some of the posts here..its Oh, I remember her.....memories...those were the GOOD DAYS!!!
ReplyDeleteI miss it too, Shirley. I'm so glad I met you - you helped me with the .cut files for the embossing folder storage :-) I still use it today. I was just a beginner then and learnt so much from you and other talented crafters. I often wish we could go back :-( We really were like a family, and I miss it so much!!!
ReplyDeleteI miss it too ! I don't do Facebook and really miss the inspiration and closeness I felt with people that use to be on the message board. I was telling my husband about something on one of your posts the other day and he said, Where do you know her from ? I told him Long ago Cricut message board. It really did give a connection to other Crafters that I don't have now! Those were the days!!
ReplyDeleteAnna N.
Some people there made you feel so welcome and others made you feel like the village idiot. Okie was on of the ones that instantly got my humor and hit it off with me! I was there at the last two years of it, but I heard stories of the good old days and only wish I could have been a part of the exclusive club of legends.
ReplyDeleteI have not thought about the CMB for years. It was fun and informative. That is where I first "met" you. I don't comment much but I do check your blog often ( like every other day ! ) I like it when DS came out and all the possibilities. I was not great at designing but with everyone's help it was great. They I got MTC and it was wonderful I loved it. Then you know what happened and I bought a KNK Zing. I don't love it. :( The cricut was so easy to use with the MTC, Zing not so much. ( and I paid a lot for this machine ) and not much help available. I just don't use it enough to have to relearn it every time I use it. So I miss the good old days with the CMB and cricut/make the cut together.
ReplyDeleteI miss the CMB so much. A wealth of information to a lurker but I loved it. My husband died in December of 2010 and my world just stopped including scrapbooking. Okie always one of my favorites and what I had known was gone. So glad I found your blog cause I also just like to chit. Miss the old days.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree I miss the old Cricut MB too. I always remember your Scooby Do file you made in Design Studio out of all those shapes. I was amazed at how you did that.
ReplyDeleteI still participate in a sketch challenge that is a spin off of the Weekly Sketch Challenge you started oh so many years ago. My card making improved 200% since I started that challenge. Well it still goes on over at the Crafting Circle MB although it is a month long now, we still have fun over there. Would love for you to peek in and maybe join in once in a while. http://www.craftingcircle.com/chatterbox/viewforum.php?f=61
Funny.....I just replied on a post about the OCC messageboard. I do miss it. Something was going on all the time. I did so much crafting back then. I did cards for soldiers back then and sent a box about every two weeks. I loved going on the MB just to see what everyone was up to. They should never have added the second MB because that ( IMHO) made some there but not all think they were better than the others. Even though I was on there twice but it was not for me....I loved that I would get a little relief after spending all day and a lot of nights at the hospital with my two younger Sisters taking care of our older Sister. She was so sick and she needed us there 24/7. When I did come home to shower I would come in and read he MB. Then she past away DEc 2006 and just 10 months later my Sweetheart passed away. He went to work and never came home again. MY world was crushed. But that MB and friends that I had made helped me a lot. Okie you probably don't remember talking to me through private message one night after my Sweetie passed away. You really don't know what that meant to me. It helped me get through another day. Because to be honest I prayed not to wake up. He was 10 years older than me and we got married when I was 17 and he was 28 by one day( WE got married the day after his birthday) We were married for 38 wonderful years and he had me spoiled rotten. I never stayed in this house alone before he passed away. I don't even remember how we got to talking that night but you stayed up and talked to me. I was in a real bad way that night. My boys didn't and still don't like for me to talk about their Dad. But I can't help but to talk about him. Anyways so glad that we met on that MB many years ago.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you will ever see this, but hope so. I am certainly someone who misses the Cricut Messageboard. I think I joined in Spring of 2007. I read everything each day for several years. Everyone was so helpful, even when I asked a strange question. From the MB I learned so much and on all subjects. They told us when Joann's or someone was having a "special" sale and where to find all types of supplies and items, including things that did not pertain to crafts. I seldom do Facebook. I sure wish there was a site to replace it. These days I am not doing much crafting, but maybe someday after I get organized like you!! Sharon
ReplyDeleteI too miss the message board. I found so many helpful people and great crafting ideas on there. It was so nice to read every morning and go back to for help when needed.