Last night I had my Valentine Card party. I had one years ago, pre-Cricut days, and we all had a great time. This time was a little less formal but still a lot of fun. I made 4 card kits for my friends to put together thinking it would help get cards done faster than if everyone was looking through paper, trying to figure out what to cut or use to emebellish. Three of my friends are NOT Cricut people so it would have taken awhile to get a basic card done. The kits were almost too much of a success as everyone had their cards together in no time!

Linda came a little early and we went to an architectural salvage place out west of town so she could find some items for a craft project she is wanting to do. She was able to score some great supplies for it. We went over to Burger King and got something to eat before the other gals arrived. Linda was the first to finish her cards. I didn't have an example, thinking that we would work on the cards together, but since everyone showed up at different times people just kinda did their own thing.
This is Linda watching Lisa put a card together when I took this picture.
I am giving some background on my friends in other pictures but with Linda, well most of ya'll know the story of how we met and the adventures we go on. I guess when I think about it I probably talk about Linda on my blog more than any other friend
*okie thinks...GRREEATTT!! Now Linda is gonna get the big head*
While Linda and I argue like an old married couple I do value Linda's opinions and I know she will always be honest with me, even if she knows it is something I might not want to hear. This only strengthens our friendship. There were some rough times I had with my daughter and Linda was there with solid sound advice for me, she was never judgmental but would confront me if she felt I was in the wrong. I can never thank her enough for that
*okie so hopes Linda doesn't read this because if Linda reads this okie fears Linda will go running around jumping up and down holler "nana nana boo boo I told you I was right!"*.
Nancy, the one on the left, does like to do crafty things but she doesn't have a Cricut. I think she is a secret "wanna get a Cricut" person though. When Nancy comes over she stands in my room and just looks around and tells me how much stuff I have. I have to kinda watch her because sometimes I think she would like to start grabbing stuff and putting it in her purse
*okie cracks up laughing*. Nancy and I met years ago when our kids went to the same daycare and we were working on our Master's degrees. We had some classes together a few times and then we ended up working at the same agency for awhile. I have to give Nancy credit for not letting make one of the biggest mistakes of my life one time when I was going to get married. She told me "if it doesn't feel right, I don't care if it is when you are walking down that aisle, DON'T DO IT". That was two weeks before my wedding. I went home on lunch break that day and told the man that I couldn't marry him. I don't think I had ever felt so relieved in my life! Nancy and I a great support to each other, she teaches me to be more compromising with others while I try to teach her to be assertive with others in a quicker amount of time than she is comfortable with.
Wendi, the one on the right in the picture above, is a Cricut person. She is the one that bought my first Expression when I sold it to get my red one. She is also going on the cruise with Karen and I and we should have a blast! Although, Karen and I are threatening to toss Wendi overboard if she wears a bikini, she works out regularly and we don't want to look bad next to her so we will just get rid of her. She has been warned. Wendi and I had to go out of town to get our birth certificates so we can get our passports and during the drive Wendi asks me "do you want me to bring my Cricut to the party?" I looked at her and laughed and told her "Wendi I have three". She said "oh that's right, well I can bring my Gypsy". I told her "Wendi I have one". She said "well dang! Is there anything that you think I might have that you don't have that you want me to bring?". I just looked at her and she said "Nevermind" and we both cracked up laughing. She did offer to bring some Valentine ribbon she has but alas she forgot it or couldn't find it
*okie shakes her head and just wonders when Wendi is going to get organized in her craft room*. Wendi and I are new friends but growing a great bond. We seem to have some of the same issues with kids and can vent to each other, support each other and share our experiences.
My friend Andrea, on the right, is not a crafter. She doesn't pretend to be a crafter and always says she can't do anything crafty
*okie is one to never disagree with a friend*. Last night she was rather surprised at herself when she got done with her cards and was proud to show them off! She admitted that she can see why I love this hobby so much and said she would like to do more of it. I have been trying to convert her ever since I got my first Cricut!
Andrea and I met in college back in 1986 and we became friends pretty fast. I think you have heard me talk about my Goddaughters, well this is their mother. Andrea is also the Godmother to my daughter. Our kids have grown up knowing each other literally from the day they were born. They may not always see each other, they may not always agree with each other, they may fight and argue but let me tell you those girls would go to the mat for each other in a heart beat! This is a picture of our girls together the night my daughter graduated from high school. There isn't enough room on this blog to even being to explain the bond Andrea and I have with each other.

My friend Lisa, the one on the left, was a little late due to going
to dinner with her parents. By the time Lisa got there we were almost
done with our cards. Andrea was such an expert by the time Lisa got there she was able to
give Lisa instructions on how to complete the cards! We were all a little surprised and I think it even surprised Andrea!
Lisa and I known each other for quite sometime, but we only knew of each other for years. We started hanging out a few years ago and got to be very close. There was a time I was too judgmental with her and cut off communication. Luckily I was able to come to my senses, and she being the great person she is was able to forgive me. We were able to talk about it, get over it and I am so blessed to have her back in my life. Lisa helps me to process all possibilities in situations and makes me look at things in a different light, usually keeping me from going insane!
Well I just meant for this post to be about the cards and show you pictures of my friends making them but you guys know how my fingers get to flying sometimes and just keep typing out chit without me even realizing what all is being done. At least you have a little more history about some of my friends
*okie is so glad she has posted a disclaimer on Facebook warning her friends and family about they are subject to be written about on her blog at anytime* and the reasons I love them so much.
Here is a picture of my cards completed. I will be doing detailed posts about each one later and adding the .cut files.
I am so glad that my friends who don't craft love me enough to pacify me and come over and join me in doing the thing I love to do so much. I tell ya...I know God has blessed me so much to give me the friends I have who each have a special reason for being in my life. I got the best friends in the world!!