Last Saturday I was still in the warmth of Orlando. A dear online friend, Renay, who lives in the area sent me a message saying she and her sister were meeting for lunch and asked if Karen and I would like to join them. Karen has chatted with Renay on Facebook for a few years now, as they both use to play games on Facebook. We had a great time and it felt like meeting up with people we had known in person for years. I am always amazed how it is so easy to be comfortable with some folks when you finally meet them in person when you have only talked to them over electronic means.

Karen and I went to the HSN outlet and were a bit disappointed because they didn't have much. Of course it was likely due to them getting ready to shut their doors at that location next month. We did see a few papercrafting items, but none of which I was interested in. There was some Flower Soft products and Karen asked if she needed it but I told her "It's pretty cool but to be honest I have had some for a few years and haven't used it" so she passed on it. There were several different packs of Martha Stewart punches, the HUGE ones, and personally I think her punches are a piece of chit
*okie still thinks it is odd that she loves EK Success punches and they make MS punches but the quality is definitely not the same* so of course I passed on those. The only other thing we saw that captured our interest was the Fiskar Fuse. I knew I couldn't get it home in my luggage though so it wasn't even much of a consideration for me. After texting my friend Helen, who is like the Papercrafting Shopping Guru, and her telling me it was on clearance in the stores I figured it must be a product that wasn't worth getting so we both passed on it as well.
We hit a Tuesday Morning where I was able to find a few packs of Graphic 45 paper from the Proper Gentleman Collection and one pack from Brides to Babies. I called Linda and asked if she wanted me to pick them up for us to split and of course she said yes. There were about 3 packs from the Curtain Call Collection that I passed on because the patterns were too big for Linda's use and I wasn't interested in them.
Saturday evening was spent getting stuff packed up for going home and getting pictures traded. I got some from a few years ago from Karen that I needed and somehow I missed getting her pictures from this years cruise!
*okie bangs head on table* Oh well, at least I have enough pictures to do my memory tray and some layouts and I guess that is all that matters.
On Sunday we decided to go and check out some other Tuesday Morning's to see if they had any Graphic 45, the first one was a total bust and we didn't find anything. But the second one...OH EM GEE! TOTAL MOTHER LODE!

I got papers from Curtain Call, which I had passed on at the other TM but this time they had some that I thought Linda and I could use. There were 3 pages from Wizard of Oz that I liked and picked up, I left the munchkin paper because to be honest it just kinda freaked me out. I got a few more pages of the Proper Gentleman, I had two from the day before, and those will be great for masculine projects. There was only one page from the Brides to Babies, but it has some nice stripes on the back and the front isn't bad and will be good for a layout and some cards. I found 2 pages from Steampunk, we had one that I got about two months ago when in OKC. The big winner was Christmas Emporium and I found 6 pages from this collection. I also picked up two different die cut from a different collection but they go well with the Christmas Emporium and I think Linda can really use those nicely for her Operation Write Home cards. Which reminds me, I need to get Linda's bill totaled and sent to her. She always adds a $300 delivery charge to my bill when she brings me stuff and that is with her driving from 35 miles to my house. I can't wait to see her face when I charge a $2,500 delivery charge since her paper had to be flown 1,700 miles!

I spent the biggest part of Sunday evening organizing Karen's paper. It was funny to hear her say "oh I didn't know I had that" or "I really had that much plain cardstock?". Of course I organized that cardstock by color and explained to her that it is a lot easier to see what she has and to find colors she needs this way.
This picture only shows a little of the mess I had in her living room floor. I also organized her patterened paper by themes so when she pulls out pictures it will be easier for her to grab the paper she should use. I think she was happy with leaving me alone during this task! I was also able to watch the episode of Walking Dead I missed and watch the current episode.
Karen made us a really nice dinner of pork loin, rosemary potatoes and salad. It was AWESOME! I wasn't even sure if Karen could cook! All these years it has always been Karen visiting me, and about the only thing I cook for her is steaks on the grill, and I never thought about if Karen could cook. I have to say she is a fabulous cook!
Monday morning I packed up my last few items and then Karen and I packed and repacked the paper in my bags about 4 times to make sure we had it all spread out and that my two checked bags weren't over the weight limit. Luckily my bags passed, actually they guy didn't even weight them. I tipped him $5 and he just put them on the conveyor belt. I would not recommend this at the Houston airport though...they ALWAYS weigh the dang bags!
After my flight my daughter and sister picked me up at the airport. We went to dinner and then it was time for the hour and a half drive home. Lucy went crazy when she heard my voice and while she has never been a puppy that licked people's faces she was giving me doggy kisses like crazy. I got my bags unpacked and my dirty laundry sorted and then I was ready for bed and to head back to work the next day. I can truly say I am blessed beyond words to have a profession that I love and look forward to leaving vacation to go back to when it is time.
I have to be honest and tell you that I don't remember the last time I have been gone away from home for that length of time and while the time was well spent with my BFF Karen, meeting up with some fabulous friends, seeing new and exotic
*okie isn't sure anything was exotic on the trip but figures that sounds really good* places, I am total agreement with Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz - THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!